Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Master Plan

Tomorrow morning, Kaya will cast off her landlines and motor towards the Western Shores... The game plan is to leave Plainfield and head the 986 miles down interstate 80 and then 76 towards Denver. We will probably break the trip up into two days as I hate pushing Kaya too hard. From Denver, we are shootly down 70 into Utah where we will spend a little time either at Bryce Canyon and/or Monument Valley before heading down to the Grand Canyon. From the Grand Canyon we are heading over to Death Valley and up to Sacremento. From Sacremento we will head towards Napa where I hopefully may have an interview for corporate Chef of a winery Lisa used to work for. From Napa we will head over to the Anderson Valley, Mendocino then the Lost Coast. Then up thru Arcata where hopefully Eli can fit us in for oil changes, an alignment and hopefully installing the pop top shocks then up to Gold Beach, Oregon... Newport, Oregon to see a friend, shop at Lisa's favorite hippie shop and a few pints at Rogue. Then up to PTOWN with possible side trips up to Sisters where we used to live then up to the Seattle area where I may also have interviews. That's the crazy ass schedule! We are hoping to meet other VDUBBERS along the route. You all know your areas better than us! If we are in your neck of the woods and you see a brightly colored bus shooting past - HONK! Remember we love microbrews and good times and good friends... CIAO fer NOW! aswah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey guys.
Hope you have a good time travelling around. It sounds exciting :)
Im really going to miss you both..... :(
Be Safe!!!!! I hope to see you guys again, to visit & have a million more goat cheese salads..

love love!!
Amy Ganong