and in the course of it all got one by Jessica as well... wahoo!
Several months ago, or maybe even years... could be days... I found a little happy community of VDUB owners on the internet named Full Moon Bus Club ( The volks there are among the kindest and gentlest souls on the planet... I have actually met a few... they are as beautiful and warm in person as they are online... anyhoots... one young gentlemen by the name of Ken Mitchell posted there under the name of Painted BUS... he posted many a picture of his amazing painted buses... we wanted to hippie-fy our BUS... I love the Grateful Dead and figured might as well throw a few dancing Bears on there...
We got to chatting with Ken and found that he lived not far from where we were nesting in Connecticut. We ended up meeting him at a favorite brewpub called Eli Cannon's in Middleton along with a few other Moonies... Over a few pints I pondered how could I convince Ken to paint my bus as wonderfully as he did his...
fast forward a few months... Ken not only painted my bus but brought his wonderful fiancee and himself up to Prince Edward Island to do it! All I have to say is Ken is an amazing artist! Jessica is as well... They were the most wonderful guests one could ever have. Jessica even made us some beautimus batik napkins for our bus!
damn hippies! We are so in love with our Bus Kaya! We just drove over the border and back into the States... I had pre-lubbed my butt and even pre-inserted a large glove just in case border patrol wanted a deeper look. The border agent gave a casual glance over than stated that it wasn't the best camouflaged vehicle he had ever seen... a mild understatement.
Ken added a "little prince" in honor of my favorite author St. Exupery... what is truly important is invisible to the eye... only the heart can see clearly...
so to Ken and Jessica thanks so much...
WOW, that looks awesome. Just like the sketch you posted awhile back. Great job, you'll be noticed for sure everywhere you go now!!!
That's my boy! Makes a mom proud! Thanks for giving him this opportunity and for posting his creation. I can now show everyone how talented he really is! It is WONDERFUL!
His mom is Washington State!
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