Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Just what the Doctor ordered!


What a long strange trip it is! Lunches are finally over at Dayboat! It left a smoking crater of my mind... Lisa and I were so tired from putting in mega hours. I felt as though I lived at Dayboat during July and August. Standing on the other side of madness life seems so tame. Damn does time fly! Last week when we had a day off, both of us were slumped over the keyboards of our laptops nodding, barely able to keep eyes open. Unable to move. In contrast, this week I actually felt rested.
The Wheel is turning and you can't slow down
You can't let go and you can't hold on
You can't go back and you can't stand still
If the thunder don't get you then the lightning will
Time still marches forward. No, time hurls forward. When I was a child I used to measure the passing of time by the dates on containers of cream. The date inveriably was always one month ahead of whatever time it was. Cream lasts forever and time passed slow that way. As I got older I realized that time moves even faster. I recently read something to the effect that time was like a roll of toilet paper, the closer to the end the faster it goes. I try to appreciate every moment - good and bad.
Won't you try just a little bit harder?
Couldn't you try just a little bit more?
Won't you try just a little bit harder?
Couldn't you try just a little bit more?
We wanted to just relax and visit farmer friends on our first real day off in months. To celebrate we decided we needed a little medication for the soul. We drove over to Paul and Jean Offers' Doctor's Inn ( in the Tyne Valley and toured their wonderful organic farm and Inn.
Round round robin run around
Gotta get back where you belong
Little bit harder, just a little bit more
Little bit farther than you than you've gone before

Paul and Jean's Inn and farm is like a respite from the busy hustle and bustle of life. A place where time is better passed armed with a glass of red wine on the veranda or a beer on the porch. Paul and Jean were kind enough to share their story with us on how they started the Inn. We chatted on the porch nibbling on Jean's homemade pickles. When you stay at the Inn and have dinner they pick the vegetables for your meal in the late afternoon. The flour for your bread is milled in the kitchen by Jean. Life does not get finer than that!
So long the human race has strayed from the path. We lost good bread and got wonder bread... personally I find it a wonder that they can actually call it bread. It is refreshing to find good people like the Offer's living right. It's nice to see progress happen on an individual level all across the US of A and Canada and other parts of the world... The simple joys of life being celebrated!
Small wheel turn by the fire and rod
Big wheel turn by the grace of God
Everytime that wheel turn round
bound to cover just a little more ground
We walked thru row after row of beautiful vegetables and fruits... passed artichokes (they don't grow here - yeah, right), leeks, greens, the original tomatoes (original sin?).
They grow an incredible amount of vegetables in a small amount of land. It made Lisa and myself think about the benefits of settling somewhere in the not too far distant future. Growing our own food supply.


p.s. the healthy RED BULL:

p.p.s.s. One happy HOUND! Loose Lucy running through the tallgrass...

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