Friday, May 16, 2008

Spring on PEI

The more time I spend on Prince Edward Island, the more I fall in love with it. It doesn't have the raw beauty of coastal Northern California, Oregon or even Alaska but it has the charm and quaint appeal of a time removed. Almost small town America in it's most idealic sense. The island is dotted with small rural farmers, fishing villages and a lot of churches... I am watching with great anticipation the plowed fields slowly awaking from their winter slumber... Sprouts raising their leaves and tendrils towards the creator of all life! It is a joyous celebration - SPRING has SPRUNG!

Today, we are eating the product of living good on the island... I suppose yesterday was the seafood end of the stick. Colville Oysters so fresh they made the house smell like the sweet sea... Atlantic Salmon and local Scallops. Today we are celebrating the farmers of the island. For lunch we are having a crispy roasted Farmhouse Hen with small Carrots, Parsnips, Garlic, sweet Onions and Island Potatoes drizzled with Olive Oil and seasoned with Mediterranean Herbs and hand harvested Sea Salt... washed down with one, two maybe three bottles of red wine.

We were at Rossignol Winery and tasted many surprisingly good and interesting wines. I don't think Chateau Petrus is starting to worry but they were honest and good for what they were. I was surprised that Lisa enjoyed the Red Wine - Blueberry Wine. She wants to pair with Chocolate.

Scenes that Spring is on the way... Two shots from the forest only a few kilometers away... Viva Prince Edward Island! Boy are we happy!

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